Xing Arguments
X3ENC.EXE is one of the fastest mp3 encoders available.
Note: For some odd reason you can not include any spaces in the path or the file name when you use Xings external encoder.
X3ENC.EXE is available from Xings homepage at
Xings mp3 encoder is one of the fastest on the market. It also supports Variable Bit Rate (VBR) which makes the file size smaller without reducing the quality any more than normal mp3 encoding. Xings x3enc.exe is a console program which can be used from several ripper program including Rosoft CD Extractor.
If you use VBR at the highest quality you get a very good result, almost as good as with Fraunhofers l3enc.
If you encode with x3enc from Rosoft CD Extractor at the highest VBR quality (-v100) the time on a Pentium III at 500 MHz should be at least near the ripping time. This is the result we have got when we have tested x3enc.exe along with Rosoft CD Extractor
Usage of argument when encoding using x3enc.exe
[$1] [$2] [options]
-h           print a short help summary (this list)
-p           print out the supported encode profiles
-f <file>    read the command line arguments from a file
-b <bitrate> CBR bitrate to encode with
-v <scale>   VBR scale to encode with
-l           do not encode with high frequency
-r           let engine choose best sample rate
-o           turn off original bit
-c           turn off copyright bit
-d           downmix to mono
-s           force simple stereo mode when possible
-q           do not display progress
Automatically choose the highest quality CBR bitrate
X3enc.exe can automatically choose the highest quality CBR bitrate for your source file. In this case do not specify any arguments at all.
Encode Profiles Table
Source file       Choose Best  Target       Command   Target    MPEG       High
Sample Rate (kHz) Sample Rate  Bitrate      Options   Channels  Algorithm  Freq
16                   No       16kbit/s  -b16000     Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        No       24kbit/s  -b24000     Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        No       32kbit/s  -b32000     Mono     2      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        No       48kbit/s  -b48000     Mono     1      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        No       56kbit/s  -b56000     Mono     1      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        No       64kbit/s  -b64000     Mono     1      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        No       80kbit/s  -b80000     Mono     1      Mono only
32, 44.10, 48        No       96kbit/s  -b96000     Stereo   1      Mono only
32, 44.10, 48        No      112kbit/s  -b112000    Stereo   1      Mono only
32, 44.10, 48        No      128kbit/s  -b128000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No      160kbit/s  -b160000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No      192kbit/s  -b192000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No      224kbit/s  -b224000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No      256kbit/s  -b256000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No      320kbit/s  -b320000    Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
Source file       Choose Best  Target    Command    Target   MPEG       High
Sample Rate (kHz) Sample Rate  Bitrate   Options    Channels Algorithm  Freq
16                   Yes       16kbit/s  -b16000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       24kbit/s  -b24000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       32kbit/s  -b32000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       48kbit/s  -b48000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       56kbit/s  -b56000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       64kbit/s  -b64000 -r  Mono     2      N/A
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       80kbit/s  -b80000 -r  Stereo   2      Mono only
16, 22.05, 24        Yes       96kbit/s  -b96000 -r  Stereo   2      Mono only
16, 22.05, 24        Yes      112kbit/s  -b112000 -r Stereo   2      Mono only
16, 22.05, 24        Yes      128kbit/s  -b128000 -r Stereo   2      Mono/Stereo
16, 22.05, 24        Yes      160kbit/s  -b160000 -r Stereo   2      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes      192kbit/s  -b192000 -r Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes      224kbit/s  -b224000 -r Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes      256kbit/s  -b256000 -r Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes      320kbit/s  -b320000 -r Stereo   1      Mono/Stereo
Source file       Choose Best VBR*    Command  Target    MPEG        High
Sample Rate (kHz) Sample Rate Level  Option   Channels  Algorithm    Freq
32, 44.10, 48        No          1    -v1       Stereo     1      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        No          30   -v30      Stereo     1      Mono only
32, 44.10, 48        No          50   -v50      Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No          75   -v75      Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        No         100   -v100     Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
Source file       Choose Best  VBR*   Command   Target    MPEG         High Freq
Sample Rate (kHz) Sample Rate  Level  Option    Channels  Algorithm     
32, 44.10, 48        Yes         1    -v1   -r  Stereo     1      N/A
32, 44.10, 48        Yes         30   -v30  -r  Stereo     1      Mono only
32, 44.10, 48        Yes         50   -v50  -r  Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes         75   -v75  -r  Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
32, 44.10, 48        Yes        100   -v100 -r  Stereo     1      Mono/Stereo
*VBR levels correspond to approximately (+ or - 10%) CBR levels
1   = 96kbits/s
30  = 112kbits/s
50  = 128kbits/s (normal)
75  = 160kbits/s
100 = 192kbits/s
Note: Any Stereo mode may be downmixed to Mono with the -d switch.